On a volé ma VF
Georges Courteline au travail & Boubouroche
Surprise Sock
Emmenez-moi au Ritz
Le Cœur sous le paillasson
House of 1000 Pleasures
Line Up and Lay Down
Pique-nique en ville
The Grand Duke's New Clothes
Tintin and the Lake of Sharks
Detective Story
Ubu enchaîné
Bed and Board
Tintin and the Temple of the Sun
The Ghostly Rental
Le Roi Lear
L'assassin viendra ce soir
Le petit Nicolas
Les Culottes rouges
The Suitor
The Fenouillard Family
The Light Across the Street
The Hussars
Men Think Only of That
The Scheming Women
Lettre ouverte
Les bonnes manières
The Red Rose