A Prayer for Hetman Mazepa
The Secret of Genghis Khan
Two Moons, Three Suns
Judenkreis: The Eternal Wheel
The Secret Train
The Hetman's Regalia
Cherry Nights
Four sheets of plywood
Miracle in the Land of Oblivion
Carpathian Gold
Tales about Ivan
Captain Krokus
Etudes on Vrubel
Beyond the boundaries of pain
Before Dawn
The Stone Soul
Ashik Kerib
Shura & Prosvirnjak
Coast Warning
And Memory Will Recall in the Sounds...
At the edge of the sword
The Enticement of Don Juan
Native mom, loved...
Two Knew the Password
Подвиг Одессы
A Men Are a Men
Captured by ghosts
The Legend of Princess Olga
Evenings on a farm near Dikanka
Prikazano Vzyat Zhivym
Провал операции «Большая медведица»
Yaroslav the Wise
Cossack Outpost
High Pass
Долгий путь в лабиринте
The Gadfly
Babylon XX
I'll Be Waiting...
Forget the Word 'Death'
Свидетельство о бедности
Gregory, Don't Go to the Village Dances
Rhythms of 'Teatralny'
Poem of Kovpak: Carpathians, Carpathians...
Blue Lightnings
The Whole World In Your Eyes
Poem of Kovpak: Snow-Storm
Escape from the Palace
Poem of Kovpak: Alarm
Adres vashego doma
Weekday Criminal Investigation
How the Steel Was Tempered
Включите северное сияние
Warm Bread
When a person has smiled
Nochnoy mototsiklist
A Long Path on a Short Day
Zakhar Berkut
The White Bird Marked with Black
The Tale of Ihor's Campaign
A Train to a Distant August
Золоті литаври
The Commissars
Early on Sunday, I dug a potion
Put k serdtsu
Второе дыхание
I'm Coming to You...
The Kotsiubynsky family
The Scouts
The Stone Cross
Десятый шаг
Certified: No Mines
A Dream
Ukrainian Rhapsody
Flags on the Towers
Pavel Korchagin
Як коваль щастя шукав