"Discover the extraordinary life of Ranjit Kapoor in 'A Pending File,' a documentary celebrating his immense contributions to Indian theater and cinema. From his humble origins to becoming a visionary artist, this film explores Kapoor's struggles, successes, and the revolutionary changes he brought to storytelling. Through interviews and captivating visuals, experience the legacy of this maestro whose artistry shaped the very fabric of Indian culture. 'A Pending File' is a heartfelt tribute honoring Kapoor's profound impact on the world of entertainment."

Release: Jan 01, 1970

Duration: 2h 40m

Genres: Documentary, Drama, Music


Quality: HD

Actors: Ranjit Kapoor, Paritosh Sand, Mohammed Zeeshan Ayyub, Annu Kapoor, Yashpal Sharma

Director: Advitya Ray

IMDb: 0/10

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