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This musical adaptation of Pinocchio from 1976 features the incomparable talents of Danny Kaye, Sandy Duncan, Flip Wilson, and Clive Revill. Framed by the story of a young theater girl's desire to study and work apart from her father, the story of Pinocchio is presented as a subplay with the young girl as Pinocchio (Sandy Duncan) and her father as Geppetto (Danny Kaye). The famous Carlo Collodi story of a lonely woodcutter whose marionette comes to life is presented faithfully and engagingly.
Release: Mar 27, 1976
Duration: 1h 18m
Genres: TV Movie, Family, Fantasy
Country: United States of America
Quality: HD
Actors: Sandy Duncan, Danny Kaye, Clive Revill, Gary Morgan, Flip Wilson
Director: Ron Field, Sid Smith
IMDb: 6.8/10