Executive Koala

Minoru Kawasaki directs this comedic psychological thriller that follows a large koala as he looks for help from several of his closest friends, which include a giant rabbit and frog. A hardworking executive at a pickle company, Mr. Tamura stands out from other employees because he's a koala bear who stands six feet tall. When his human girlfriend is found murdered, the blackout-prone Tamura goes on the run and tries to solve the mystery.

Release: Jan 14, 2006

Duration: 1h 26m

Genres: Comedy, Crime, Drama, Thriller, Horror, Mystery

Country: Japan

Quality: HD

Actors: 'Hurricane Ryu' Hariken, Eiichi Kikichi, Arthur Kuroda, Hironobu Nomura, Hideki Saijo

Director: Minoru Kawasaki

IMDb: 5.5/10

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