Schoolhouse Rock!
Schoolhouse Rock! is an American interstitial programming series of animated musical educational short films that aired during the Saturday morning children's programming on the U.S. television network ABC. The topics covered included grammar, science, economics, history, mathematics, and civics. The series' original run lasted from 1973 to 1985, and was later revived with both old and new episodes airing from 1993 to 1999. Additional episodes were produced as recently as 2009 for direct-to-video release.
First Release: Jan 06, 1973
Duration: 3m
Genres: Animation
Episodes: 21
Actors: Jack Sheldon, Bob Dorough, Lynn Ahrens, Blossom Dearie, Essra Mohawk, Grady Tate
IMDb: 7.5/10
Specials Full Episode List
1. Scooter Computer And Mr Chips2. Scooter Computer and Mr. Chips- Think Computer!3. Scooter Computer and Mr. Chips- Number Cruncher4. Making of "I'm Gonna Send Your Vote To College"5. "I'm Gonna Send Your Vote To College" In Surround6. Emmy Awards Featurette7. Nike Spot8. Audio Commentary: Lolly, Lolly, Lolly Get Your Adverbs Here9. Audio Commentary: Great American Melting Pot10. Audio Commentary: Telegraph Line11. Audio Commentary: Figure Eight12. Audio Commentary: Interplanet Janet13. Audio Commentary: Conjunction Junction14. Audio Commentary: I'm Just A Bill15. Audio Commentary: The Preamble16. Audio Commentary: Interjections17. Audio Commentary: A Noun is a Person, Place or Things18. Deluxx Folk Implosion: I'm Just a Bill19. Better Than Ezra: Conjunction Junction20. The Lemonheads: My Hero, Zero21. Goodness: Electricity, Electricity