Looney Tunes Cartoons
A series of short form cartoons starring the iconic and beloved Looney Tunes characters. Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, Porky Pig and other marquee Looney Tunes characters are featured in their classic pairings in simple, gag-driven and visually vibrant stories.
First Release: May 27, 2020
Duration: NA
Genres: Animation, Comedy, Family
Country: United States of America
Episodes: 32
Actors: Eric Bauza, Jeff Bergman, Bob Bergen, Fred Tatasciore, Paul Julian, Michael Ruocco
IMDb: 7.7/10
Season 5 Full Episode List
1. Duck Chocolate2. Traffic Cop Stop: Lead Foot3. Bunny and the Beast4. Graveyard Goofs5. Hex Appeal6. Inn for Trouble7. Skyscraper Scrap8. Balloon Salesman: Feeling Down9. The Devil and the Deep Blue Sea10. Crumb and Get It11. Bugs Hole Gags 2: Mini Bugs12. Construction Obstruction13. Yosemite Samurai14. Bugs Hole Gags 2: Bees Nest15. Dummies in the Dark16. Pain Rent17. Nest Effort18. Feather of the Bride19. Daffy Magician: Pick a Card20. Bugs Hole Gags 2: Rattlesnakes21. Poolside Pest22. Put the Cat Out: Inside Out23. Bulls-eye Bunny24. Auto Birdy Shop25. Daffy Traffic Cop Stop: Phone Booth26. Eyes Wide Fudd27. Livin' the Daydream28. Duck Hunting Gag: Holograms29. Fake It 'Til You Bake It30. Funny Book Bunny31. Balloon Salesman: All the Balloons32. Kitty Krashers