Rupert Bear, Follow the Magic...
This series brings to life the classic tales of Rupert the Bear. Each week we join Rupert and his pals as they venture into magical worlds of enchantment, intrigue and danger.
First Release: Nov 08, 2006
Duration: 10m
Genres: Animation
Episodes: 13
Director: Mary Tourtel, Alfred Bestall
IMDb: 7/10
Season 2 Full Episode List
1. Rupert and the Unusual Birthday2. Rupert and the Rainbow3. Rupert and the Toy Soldiers4. Rupert and the Giant Sunflower5. Rupert and the Cuckoo Clock6. Rupert and the Magic Books7. Rupert and the Mischievous Genie8. Rupert and the Scarecrow9. Rupert and the Octopus's Garden10. Rupert and the Treasure Chest11. Rupert and the Magic Show12. Rupert and the Missing Music13. Rupert and the Weather Machine