The Adventures of Paddington Bear
The Adventures of Paddington Bear was a Canadian/French animated children's television series. It was based on the book Paddington Bear by Michael Bond and written by Bruce Robb. It was produced by Cinar and Protecrea and ran for 117 episodes. The show aired in the United States on the Cookie Jar Toons block on This TV from November 2008 - August 2009. However, all CINAR references in these broadcasts have been replaced by Cookie Jar references. It was also shown on HBO.
First Release: Jun 14, 1997
Duration: 8m
Genres: Kids, Animation
Country: United Kingdom, Canada
Episodes: 39
Actors: Nigel Lambert, Jonathan Kydd, Jade Williams, Eve Karpf, Moir Leslie, Steven Webb, Cyril Shaps
Director: Michael Bond
IMDb: 6.6/10
Season 2 Full Episode List
1. Disappearing Trick2. Paddington Saves the Day3. Paddington Goes to School4. Old Master Paddington5. Paddington and the Pardon6. A Picnic on the River7. A Day to Remember8. Paddington in Spain9. A Most Unusual Ceremony10. Paddington Steps Out11. Paddington Prepares12. Paddington Recommended13. Paddington goes to the Dentist14. Paddington's Dinosaurs15. Paddington's First Flight16. Paddington Breaks the Peace17. Paddington Takes Off18. Trouble at Number Thirty-Two19. Paddington in a Hole20. Paddington in the Galapagos21. Paddington Strikes a Bargain22. Pantomime Time23. Paddington in Alaska24. A Stitch in Time25. Paddington and the Cold Snap26. Paddington and the Yeti27. Paddington Hits the Jackpot28. Paddington Makes a Clean Sweep29. Paddington at the Olympics30. Paddington and Do it Yourself31. In and out of Trouble32. Sir Paddington33. A Spot of Decorating34. Paddington in Touch35. Paddington and the Dead Sea36. Goings On at Number Thirty Two37. A Sticky Time38. Private Paddington39. Paddington Buys a Share