Legend Hero Samgugjeon
Legend Hero Samgugjeon is a Korean tokusatsu television series. Produced by MoonWatcher and Synergy Media. The Series is broadcasted in EBS1. Legend Hero Samgugjeon is heavily based off of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms. Many elements of the original story are carried over to the show. Many characters share names and attributes with characters of the original story. Several events in the show are also based on events in the classic story.
First Release: Mar 02, 2016
Duration: 25m
Genres: Action & Adventure, Sci-Fi & Fantasy, Kids, Drama
Country: South Korea
Actors: 李朗, Choe Bae-Yeong, Kim San, Nam U-Hyeon, Jeong Jun-Hwa, Lim Seung-Jun, An So-jin
IMDb: 9/10