DAG is an American sitcom that aired from November 2000 to May 2001 on NBC. It was named after its star, David Alan Grier, who stars as United States Secret Service agent Jerome Daggett. Daggett's name, in turn, is a back-formation. The show also stars Delta Burke as the First Lady of the United States of America.
First Release: Nov 14, 2000
Duration: 30m
Genres: Comedy
Episodes: 17
Actors: David Alan Grier, Delta Burke, Stephen Dunham, Mel Jackson, Emmy Laybourne, Lauren Tom, Paul F. Tompkins, Lea Moreno Young
Director: Jack Burditt, Andy Gordon
IMDb: 7/10
Season 1 Full Episode List
1. Pilot2. Meet Sullivan Pope (a.k.a. Dag's Prison)3. Losing Judith4. The Return of Katherine Twigg5. A Whitman Christmas Sampler6. Jennifer Returns (a.k.a. Coward's End)7. The Interrogation8. The Decoy9. Off the Record (a.k.a. The Not-So-Secret Service)10. Prom11. Guns and Roses (a.k.a. The Competition)12. America's Sweetheart13. Basketball Jones14. Smoke15. Going Places16. Mr. Daggett Goes to Washington17. The Triangle Report