Quinceañera, is a Mexican telenovela, produced by and broadcast on Televisa in 1987, starring Adela Noriega and Thalía. Quinceañera was the first telenovela to talk about substance abuse, date rape and gangs, and is considered to be the first telenovela made for teenagers. Quinceañera was named by the Associated Press as one of the ten most influential telenovelas ever to air in Latin America, and Univision tlnovelas viewers named it one of their all-time favorite Mexican telenovelas. In 2010, Quinceañera was placed #7 on the People en Español's "20 Best Telenovelas" list, and in 2012, Terra named it as one of the fifty best telenovelas of all-time.
First Release: Oct 05, 1987
Duration: 45m
Genres: Soap, Drama
Country: Mexico
Actors: Adela Noriega, Ernesto Laguardia, Thalía, Rafael Rojas, Sebastian Ligarde, Blanca Sánchez, Jorge Lavat, Julieta Egurrola, Margarita Sanz, Nailea Norvind
Director: René Muñoz
IMDb: 7/10