Ben Casey
Ben Casey is an American medical drama series which ran on ABC from 1961 to 1966. The show was known for its opening titles, which consisted of a hand drawing the symbols "♂, ♀, ✳, †, ∞" on a chalkboard, as cast member Sam Jaffe intoned, "Man, woman, birth, death, infinity." Neurosurgeon Joseph Ransohoff was a medical consultant for the show and may have influenced the personality of the title character.
First Release: Oct 02, 1961
Duration: 1h 0m
Genres: Drama
Country: United States of America
Episodes: 32
Actors: Vince Edwards, Sam Jaffe, Jim McMullan, Franchot Tone, Marlyn Mason, Stella Stevens
IMDb: 5.7/10
Season 1 Full Episode List
1. To the Pure2. But Linda Only Smiled3. The Insolent Heart4. I Remember a Lemon Tree5. An Expensive Glass of Water6. The Sound of Laughter7. A Few Brief Lines for Dave8. Pavane for a Gentle Lady9. My Good Friend Krikor10. The Sweet Kiss of Madness11. A Certain Time, a Certain Darkness12. A Dark Night for Billy Harris13. And If I Die14. A Memory of Candy Stripes15. Imagine a Long, Bright Corridor16. A Story to Be Softly Told17. The Big Trouble with Charlie18. Give My Hands an Epitaph19. Victory Wears a Cruel Smile20. Odyssey of a Proud Suitcase21. Behold a Pale Horse22. For the Ladybug, One Dozen Roses23. To a Grand and Natural Finale24. Monument to an Aged Hunter25. All the Clocks are Ticking26. Among Others a Girl Named Abilene27. A Pleasant Thing for the Eyes28. And Eve Wore a Veil of Tears29. Preferably, the Less-Used Arm30. An Uncommonly Innocent Killing31. So Oft It Chances in Particular Men32. When You See an Evil Man