Mister Rogers' Neighborhood
Mister Rogers' Neighborhood is an American children's television series that was created and hosted by namesake Fred Rogers. The series originated in 1963 as Misterogers on CBC Television, and was later debuted in 1966 as Misterogers' Neighborhood on the regional Eastern Educational Network, followed by its US network debut on February 19, 1968, and it aired on NET and its successor, PBS, until August 31, 2001. The series is aimed primarily at preschool ages 2 to 5, but has been stated by PBS as "appropriate for all ages". Mister Rogers' Neighborhood was produced by Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA public broadcaster WQED and Rogers' non-profit production company Family Communications, Inc.; previously known as Small World Enterprises prior to 1971, the company was renamed The Fred Rogers Company after Rogers' death.
First Release: Feb 19, 1968
Duration: 30m
Genres: Kids
Country: United States of America
Episodes: 130
Actors: Fred Rogers, Betty Aberlin, David Newell, Joe Negri
Director: Fred Rogers
IMDb: 5.7/10
Season 1 Full Episode List