Great Railway Journeys
Great Railway Journeys, originally titled Great Railway Journeys of the World, is a recurring series of travel documentaries produced by BBC Television. The premise of each programme is that the presenter, typically a well-known figure from the arts or media, would make a journey by train, usually through a country or to a destination to which they had a personal connection. There were four series broadcast on BBC Two between 1980 and 1999, with the shorter series title being used for all but the first. In 2010 a similar series also aired on BBC Two, Great British Railway Journeys.
First Release: Oct 23, 1980
Duration: 1h 0m
Genres: Documentary
Episodes: 52
IMDb: 7/10
Season 24 Full Episode List
1. January 7, 20222. January 14, 20223. January 21, 20224. January 28, 20225. February 4, 20226. February 11, 20227. February 18, 20228. February 25, 20229. March 4, 202210. March 11, 202211. March 18, 202212. March 25, 202213. April 1, 202214. April 8, 202215. April 15, 202216. April 22, 202217. April 29, 202218. May 6, 202219. May 13, 202220. May 20, 202221. May 27, 202222. June 3, 202223. June 10, 202224. June 17, 202225. June 24, 202226. July 1, 202227. July 8, 202228. July 15, 202229. July 22, 202230. July 29, 202231. August 5, 202232. August 12, 202233. August 19, 202234. August 26, 202235. September 2, 202236. September 9, 202237. September 16, 202238. September 23, 202239. September 30, 202240. October 7, 202241. October 14, 202242. October 21, 202243. October 28, 202244. November 4, 202245. November 11, 202246. November 18, 202247. November 25, 202248. December 2, 202249. December 9, 202250. December 16, 202251. December 23, 202252. December 30, 2022