This imaginative and music-filled animated series that follows the adventures of the Pupstruction team – a doggone hard-working construction crew that ranges from some of the brawniest breeds to irresistibly cute and playful puppies. It centers on Phinny, an innovative young corgi, who might be the smallest pup on the crew but proves that you don’t need big paws to have big dreams or big ideas.
First Release: Jun 14, 2023
Duration: NA
Genres: Animation, Kids, Comedy
Country: United States of America
Episodes: 49
Director: Travis Braun
IMDb: 10/10
Season 1 Full Episode List
1. Built To Build2. Pup DE-Struction3. Hush Puppies4. Beach Day Build-Off5. Bailey's Birthday Coaster6. Doggone Tired7. Fast and Furriest8. Luna Digs Deep9. Bailey and the Doggy Doctor10. Dog for a Day11. Adventures in Bulldozing12. Safe and Hound13. Home Stinky Home14. Dump Truck Dilemma15. Builders to Bakers16. Fire Truck Frenzy17. Robo Cat18. Underwater Pups19. The Wishbone Comet20. The Never-Ending Treehouse21. Professor Frazzle22. A Crabby Neighbor23. Luna's Bad Hair Day24. Happy Maya's Day25. Amusement Park-Ing26. The Dino-Dog Dig27. Happy Howl-O-Ween28. The House Of Howls29. The Mayor Mover30. Bobby's Balloon Blunder31. Itty Bitty Barn Build32. A Colorful Job33. Pupstruction Saves Christmas34. Pups On Ice35. Sunniest Snow Day36. When Pups Fly37. Valentine's Day Dogs38. The Petsburg Power-Out39. Pizza-Struction40. Baby Builders41. A Bright Idea42. The Friendliest Frog43. Pup Princess44. Trash Truck Pups45. Pirate Party46. A Playful Playground47. Mayor Boots48. Good Clean Race49. The Petsburg Music Festival