Distant Shores
Distant Shores is a dramedy first shown in the United Kingdom on ITV in January 2005. Like the similar fish out of water dramedies, Northern Exposure and Doc Martin, it focuses on the difficulties of an unwillingly-transplanted metropolitan doctor who is forced to adjust to a rural environment. The show's recurring cast is unusual for featuring major actors from three significant British franchises — Doctor Who, Blake's 7 and the James Bond film series. The programme itself is notable for being a rare example of a show to have an entire series shelved in its country of origin following the completion of post-production.
First Release: Jan 05, 2005
Duration: 1h 0m
Genres: Drama, Comedy
Country: United Kingdom
Actors: Samantha Bond, Peter Davison, Matthew Thomas Davies, Claudia Renton, Gareth Thomas, Connie Hyde, Emma Fildes, Berwick Kaler, Craig Heaney, Yvette Rowland
Director: Caleb Ranson, Harry Oulton
IMDb: 6.5/10