2DTV is a British satirical animated television show that was broadcast on ITV in the United Kingdom from March 2001 to December 2004. Lasting a total of five series and thirty-three episodes, 2DTV became the successor of popular 80's TV series Spitting Image, and the predecessor of 2008 ITV satirical animation Headcases.
First Release: Oct 14, 2001
Duration: 25m
Genres: Animation, Comedy
Episodes: 11
Actors: Jon Culshaw, Enn Reitel, Jan Ravens, Dave Lamb, Alistair McGowan
IMDb: 6.6/10
Specials Full Episode List
1. Best of Season 1 & 22. Best of Season 33. Best of Season 44. Best of Season 55. Best of 2D TV (Series 1 & 2) - Extras - Ten Sketches (Never-seen-before!)6. Best of Series 1 & 2 - Extras - Storyboards - Non-TX Animatic 'Merchandeezies'7. Best of Series 1 & 2 - Extras - Pilot Newsreader - Early Newsreader Sketch8. Best of Series 1 & 2 - Extras - Behind the Scences - The Voice Artists9. Best of Series 1 & 2 - Extras - Behind the Scences - The Voice Record10. Best of Series 1 & 2 - Extras - Behind the Scences - The Producer11. Best of Series 1 & 2 - Extras - First Ever Test - Hague and Portillo 08-01-2001