Electroid Zaborger 7
Denjin Zaborger, translated as Electroid Zaborger 7, was a Japanese tokusatsu television series that aired in 1974, produced by P Productions, it was their last Tokusatsu series of the 1970s. Denjin Zaborger stars Akira Yamaguchi as secret agent Yutaka Daimon. The robot Denjin Zaborger has no personality at all, its Akira Yamaguchi as the wild warrior Yutaka Daimon who gives the series its heart. A movie remake titled Karate-Robo Zaborgar was released in 2011.
First Release: Apr 06, 1974
Duration: 25m
Genres: Action & Adventure, Kids, Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Country: Japan
Episodes: 13
Actors: Yoichiro Tajiri, Akira Yamaguchi, Masahiro Kamiya, Eiichi Kikuchi, Takehisa Yamaguchi
Director: Kazuo Koike
IMDb: 10/10
Denjin zaboga season 2 Full Episode List
1. Resurrected 3-Headed Demon-God!!2. Completed!! Strong Zaboga!3. Expose the Mystery of the Demon Lord 3-Headed Dragon!4. The Fearsome Dinosaur Army's Ambition5. Crisis at Zaboga Base!!6. Duel in a Ghost Town!7. Take Back the Machine Baja!8. Zaboga Base Explosion Project!9. Detonate the Poison-Gas Mission!!10. Hurry, Daimon! Rescue the Zaboga Base!11. Gargantuan Explosion!! Zaboga Base12. Strong Zaboga Stops Moving!13. Always & Forever, Strong Zaboga