Lascars is a French animated series created by Boris Dolivet, aka El Diablo, it was aired on the French channel Canal + for the first time in 1998. This series spawned two seasons, the first one in 1998 and the second in 2007, a pilot for a project of a 20 minute series, a comic and a movie. The episodes follow the mishaps of young men living in a district, the series is rife with hip-hop culture, most of the voice cast are French rappers. Lascars shorts aired in Canada on Teletoon under the title Homiez in English.
First Release: Jun 21, 1998
Duration: 1m
Genres: Animation, Comedy
Country: France
Season 1 Full Episode List
1. Ma bite2. Bonnes Meufs3. Le frisson de la honte4. Ophélie5. Episode 56. L'affranchi7. Playboy s'iouplait8. Pouilldé9. J'fais de la thaï10. Tomblar story11. Ma vieille branche le keuf12. La pharmacie de la honte13. Parlons peu mais parlons bien14. Réinsertion15. Crevard16. La drogue, c'est de la merde17. Insécurité18. Tasspé19. Une aventure incroyable20. La sédition c'est la solution21. Tebés 322. Faut qu'on branche!23. Baston de regards24. Episode 2425. Episode 2526. Episode 2627. Episode 2728. Episode 2829. Episode 2930. Episode 30