For Better or for Worse

The animated misadventures of Lynn Johnston's acclaimed comic strip family. In 2000, Funbag Animation, based in Ottawa, created an animated "For Better or for Worse" series for Teletoon, which aired from November 5, 2000, to December 16, 2001. The show, introduced by Lynn Johnston, explored three storylines from different periods of the comic strip: the mid-1980s, early 1990s, and late 1990s.

First Release: Jan 01, 2000

Duration: 30m

Genres: Animation, Reality

Country: United States of America

Actors: Jayne Eastwood, Vanessa Lengies, Lynn Johnston, Dawn Ford, Terrence Scammell, Bryn McAuley, Lynne Adams

Director: Lynn Johnston, Gordon Coulthart

IMDb: 10/10