The Crystal Maze
The Crystal Maze was a British game show, produced by Chatsworth Television and shown on Channel 4 in the United Kingdom between 15 February 1990 and 10 August 1995. The series is set in "The Crystal Maze", which features four different "zones" set in various periods of time and space. A team of six contestants take part in a series of challenges in order to win "time crystals". Each crystal gives the team five seconds of time inside "The Crystal Dome", the centrepiece of the maze where the contestants take part in their final challenge.
First Release: Feb 15, 1990
Duration: 1h 0m
Genres: Reality
Country: United Kingdom
Season 5 Full Episode List
1. Yvette Chapman, Sally Loveday, Phillip Mead, Kristin Cottier, Pippa Montgomery-Smith, Vaughan Lewis2. Lynn Baker, Sue Tregenza, Dave Magleman, Chris Haggett, Andy Hilton, Sarah Henderson3. Paul Nicklin, Scott Weller, Tracy Van Tongeren, Debbie Hunkin, Angela Stanton, Barry Watson4. Miles Holden, Linda Hackert, Stewart Forster, Jane Copping, Bill Wood, Charlotte Butterfield5. Steve Priday, Clare Betteridge, Martin Campbell, Kerry Ryan, Alun Williams, Michele Stokes6. Pat Gorman, Martin Bangs, Lea Ann Smith, Hazel Mantle, Clare Adams, Bob Tylor7. Alan Burge, Sharon Gill, Jacqui Wilcock, Mak Natha, Niki Parkinson, Andy Mabbett8. Andrew Hall (37),Tim Santini (27),Tracey Gwynne (20) Sue Adey (25),Caroline Deft (17),David Kelly (40)9. Tina Gowers, Barry Dorrans, Will D. Downing, Jane Scates, Jo Benton, Wayne Sammut10. David Cunnington, Nicky Agar, Kevin Hamlet, Margaret Williams, Sonia Kosta, Peter Meed11. Andrew Miles, Stan Barett, Helen Stephens, Sarah Cross, Lorraine Green, Gordon Seymour12. Becki Odames, Paul Douglas, Alisa Goram, Phil Smith, Avril Powell, Andrew Blancherd13. Vicki Baxter (35),Christopher Tait (23),Bruce Carman (26) Catherine Duckett (16),Carl Steventon (28),Anna Collison (26)