Mad is an American animated sketch comedy series created by Kevin Shinick and produced by Warner Bros. Animation. Based upon the magazine of the same name, each episode is a collection of short animated parodies of television shows, movies, games, celebrities, and other media using various types of animation instead of the usual animation style that Warner Bros. Animation is known for. The series premiered on the evening of September 6, 2010 on Cartoon Network. It has been described as a "kid-friendly version of Robot Chicken".

First Release: Sep 06, 2010

Duration: 15m

Genres: Animation, Comedy


Episodes: 46

Actors: Hugh Davidson, Gary Anthony Williams, Mikey Day, Kevin Shinick

Director: William Gaines

IMDb: 8.1/10

Season 3 Full Episode List

1. The Iron Giant Lady / Raising a New Hope2. Yawn Carter / Franklin and Crash3. Battleship vs. Titanic / Jurassic Parks and Rec4. Betty White and the Huntsman / Ancient Greek Mythbusters5. I Am Lorax / Modern Family Circus6. This Means War Machine / iCharlie7. The Mixed Martial Artist / Aquaman vs. Wild8. The Blunder Games / The Poop-seidon Adventure9. Average-ers / Legend of Dora10. Men In Black to the Future / Pokémon Of Interest11. Diary of a Wimpy Kid Icarus /The Adjustment Burro12. Taking Nemo / Once Upon a Toon13. Outtagascar / F·I·E·N·D·S14. The Amazing Spider-Minaj / Go, Dragon Ball, Go!15. FrankenWinnie / ParaMorgan16. Dark Knight at the Museum; Lemming Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Video Game Deaths17. Total Recall Me Maybe / Asgardigans18. Bourne Leg-a-Turkey / PilGrimm19. Here Comes the Doom; Brain Purge20. Fantastic Four Christmases; Red and White Collar21. The Hip Hobbit; The Monday Project22. The Perks of Being a Wall Crawler; Regular Shogun Warriors23. Twilight Breaking Down; GOllum On24. Life of Rhyme; Here Comes Yogi Boo Boo25. James Bond: Reply All; Randy Savage: 9th Grade Wrestler26. George Washington: Cherry Tree Chopper; Star Wars Earned Stripes31. Papa; 1600 Finn32. G.I. E.I. Joe; Dog With a Captain's Log33. The `S' Cape From Planet Earth; The X-Mentalist34. Po-Blivion; Umbrellamentary35. Jaws the Great and Powerful; Off Their Spockers36. Jacks the Giant Slayers; The Most Beautiful Voice37. The Flash and the Furious; Saved by Adele38. The Great Batsby; Big Time Gold Rush39. First White House Down; McDuck Dynasty40. After Bert; Downton Shaggy41. Lone Rango; Doctor Who's Line Is It Anyway?42. Iron Bland 3; Monsters Community43. Star Blecch Into Dumbness; Stark Tank44. The Flash and the Furious; Saved by Adele46. Pacific Ring; Horton Hears a Whodunnit47. World War ZZZZ; Shazam and Cat48. Doraline; Monster Mashville50. The Dullverine; Under the Dumb51. Still Hungry Games; Agents of S.M.U.R.F.52. Alfred's Game; We Are X-Men