The Trap Door
The Trap Door is a claymation-style animated television series, originally shown in the United Kingdom in 1984. The plot revolves around both the daily lives and the misadventures of a group of monsters living in a castle. Although the emphasis was on humour and the show was marketed as a children's programme but also for family entertainment, the show drew much from the genres of horror and dark fantasy. The show has since become a cult favourite and remains one of the most widely recognised kids' shows of the 1980s. Digital children's channel Pop started rerunning the show in 2010.
First Release: Oct 06, 1986
Duration: 5m
Genres: Animation, Comedy, Family, Kids
Country: United Kingdom
Series 1 Full Episode List
1. Breakfast Time2. Slither, Wriggle and Writhe3. Food for Thort4. Lurkings5. Gourmet's Delight6. Creepy Crawly7. The Big Thing8. Ghoulies9. The Dose10. The Thingy11. Don't Let the Bed Bugs Bite12. Fester Rancid13. The Pain14. The Little Thing15. Don't Open That Trap Door16. Junk Food17. Yechh!18. Flyin' Wotsit Fingy19. Strange Goings On20. Midnight Snack21. Nasty Stuff22. Sniff That23. Vile Pile24. Slightly Weird25. Bye Bye Berk