Gormiti: The Lords of Nature Return
The show follows two brothers, Nick & Toby, who discover that they have the power to transform into powerful creatures known as Gormitis. Their two friends Jessica & Lucas join the fight and together they harness the power of the four elements. Now it's up to them to save their world from destruction.
First Release: Oct 05, 2009
Duration: 20m
Genres: Family, Sci-Fi & Fantasy, Action & Adventure
Country: France, Italy
Season 2 Full Episode List
1. The Rot of Gorm2. Going Buggy3. The Crystal Curse4. The Forgotten Valley5. Refracting Rock6. Senseless7. The Ring of Eternity8. Diamonds are an Evil Lord's Best Friend9. Diverted10. Exchange of Powers11. Battle from Within12. Hibernation13. Solitary Egg14. Grounded15. Crushed16. Wingless17. Forest Asunder18. Flight of the Snow Eagle19. The Pearl of the Deep20. Tripping Up21. Power of the North22. Power of the South23. Power of the West24. Power of the East25. Eternal Eclipse:Part 126. Eternal Eclipse:Part 2