Da Ali G Show
Da Ali G Show is a British satirical television series created by and starring English comedian Sacha Baron Cohen. In the series, Baron Cohen plays three unorthodox journalists: faux-streetwise poseur Ali G, Kazakh reporter Borat Sagdiyev, and gay Austrian fashion enthusiast Brüno Gehard. These characters conduct real interviews with unsuspecting people, many of whom are celebrities, high-ranking government officials, and other well-known figures, during which they are asked absurd and ridiculous questions.
First Release: Mar 30, 2000
Duration: 30m
Genres: Comedy, Talk
Episodes: 20
Actors: Sacha Baron Cohen, Sacha Baron Cohen, Sacha Baron Cohen, Daniel DiCriscio
Director: Sacha Baron Cohen
IMDb: 6.8/10
Specials Full Episode List
1. Borat at the Hampton Classic Horse Show2. Borat at the Patriot Rally3. Ali G's Full Spyz Movie4. Ali G's Harvard Commencement Speech5. Ali G at Educational Summit6. Ali G with Noam Chomsky7. Ali G Visits Civil War Navy Ship8. Borat Hunts in Texas9. Borat Learns Football10. Borat with PIMA Republican Club11. Bruno Visits a Psychic12. Bruno Speaks with a Hollywood Stylist16. The Best of Borat17. Ali G Christmas Message to the Nation18. Ali G Animal Rights Talkshow19. Borat's Guide to Britain - Countryside20. Borat's Guide to Britain - Cambridge21. Borat's Guide to Britain22. Ali G Sally Jesse Raphael23. Ali G Dangerous Drugs (UK)