Ally of Justice
15-year-old Yoko, a young girl who is constantly tormented by her self-centered and devilish older sister Makiko, who works for a government office after having graduated from a famous university. But despite her ill nature, Makiko's actions tend to somehow make things better for those around her, causing others to praise her as an "ally of justice."
First Release: Jul 09, 2008
Duration: 45m
Genres: Comedy
Country: Japan
Episodes: 10
Actors: Yu Yamada, Mirai Shida, Osamu Mukai, Kanata Hongo, Saori Takizawa, Sei Hiraizumi
IMDb: 7.4/10
Season 1 Full Episode List
1. Piquant Comedic Masterpiece of Intense Older Sister & Boo-Hoo-Hoo Younger Sister2. When My Older Sister Falls in Love, Everyday is a Nightmare3. My Wicked Older Sister is Fond of Seasonal Articles4. Operation Proposal5. Operation Marriage Send-Off6. Chicken Heart Sisters7. Only Demons on the Other Side of the World!!8. Devil Wearing a Mourning Dress9. The Steamed Soft-Shelled Turtle Sisters10. Divine Punishment to Wickedness! The Demon Becomes Stronger?