Flying Bark Animation produced an animated cartoon series of Tabaluga. In this series, Tabaluga is the last of the dragons and the crown-prince of Greenland, a magical place inhabited by talking animals of many different species. Tabaluga must defend his home from two rival kingdoms on either side of Greenland; a frigid arctic tundra, ruled by the evil snowman Arktos and a searing desert, ruled by an evil sand-spirit named Humsin.
First Release: Oct 04, 1997
Duration: 22m
Genres: Animation
Country: Germany, Australia
Episodes: 26
Actors: Dietmar Wunder, Sabine Manke, Santiago Ziesmer, Frank Ciazynski, Inken Sommer, Andreas Mannkopff
Director: Peter Maffay
IMDb: 5.8/10
Season 3 Full Episode List
1. The Dragon Pendant2. The Quest3. Scary Story4. Tabaluga's Challenge5. Fire Stone6. Little Wonder7. Arktos The Good8. The Gloomy Forest9. Mother Arktos10. Eye in the Sky11. Do not Forget to Remember12. Fool's Gold13. Where is Winter?14. Whale of a Tale15. Arktos' Last Gasp16. Troubled Waters17. Hidden Treasures18. Wish Upon a Star19. Who's Who20. The Hidden Chamber21. Ready, Set, Go!22. Digby's Promise23. Kayo: Friend or Foe?24. Menace in the Mountains25. Dragon World26. Pendant Lost