Detective Opera Milky Holmes
Set in a futuristic world, there exist "Toys" which grant people superhuman abilities. This is responsible for a wave of crimes and necessitates employing Toy-using detectives to help solve them. Opera Kobayashi runs a detective agency, Milky Holmes, staffed by four aspiring young girl detectives who attend the Holmes Detective Academy, and each girl possesses their own unique Toy.
First Release: Oct 07, 2010
Duration: 25m
Genres: Animation, Mystery
Country: Japan
Episodes: 6
Actors: Suzuko Mimori, Mikoi Sasaki, Izumi Kitta, Satomi Akesaka, Sora Tokui
IMDb: 8.4/10
Specials Full Episode List
1. Farewell, Kokoro-chan. Long Goodbye Forever and Ever...2. Alternative One: Opera Kobayashi and the Five Paintings3. Alternative Two: Opera Kobayashi and the Raven of the Empty Sky4. Milky Holmes: Fun Fun Pearly Night ~The Gift of Ken and Janet~5. Milky Holmes: Arsene Karei naru Yokubou6. Detective Opera Milky Holmes: Psycho no Aisatsu