Most Haunted Live!
Most Haunted Live is a spin-off of the paranormal reality television series Most Haunted and was also produced by Antix Productions. The show consists of paranormal investigations broadcast live over a period of one or more nights, usually with interactive sections that involve the viewer.
First Release: Oct 31, 2002
Duration: NA
Genres: Reality, Mystery
Episodes: 17
Actors: Yvette Fielding, Karl Beattie, Ciarán O'Keeffe, Stuart Torevell, David Wells
Director: Yvette Fielding, Karl Beattie
IMDb: 6/10
Most haunted live season 3 Full Episode List
1. Most Haunted Live at Leap Year: The Life and Loves of William Shakespeare (1)2. Most Haunted Live at Leap Year: The Life and Loves of William Shakespeare (2)3. Most Haunted Live at Easter: The Trail of the Witchfinder General (1)4. Most Haunted Live at Easter: The Trail of the Witchfinder General (2)5. Most Haunted Live at Easter: The Trail of the Witchfinder General (3)6. Most Haunted Live at Summer Solstice: Derby (1)7. Most Haunted Live at Summer Solstice: Derby (2)8. Most Haunted Live at Summer Solstice: Derby (3)9. Most Haunted Live: Maes Artro (1)10. Most Haunted Live: Maes Artro (2)11. Most Haunted Live: Maes Artro (3)12. Most Haunted Live at Halloween: Pendle Hill (1)13. Most Haunted Live at Halloween: Pendle Hill (2)14. Most Haunted Live at Halloween: Pendle Hill (3)15. Most Haunted Live at Christmas: Blackpool (1)16. Most Haunted Live at Christmas: Blackpool (2)17. Most Haunted Live at Christmas: Blackpool (3)
Most Haunted Live! SpecialsMost Haunted Live! Most haunted live season 1Most Haunted Live! Most haunted live season 2Most Haunted Live! Most haunted live season 3Most Haunted Live! Most haunted live season 4Most Haunted Live! Most haunted live season 5Most Haunted Live! Most haunted live season 6Most Haunted Live! Most haunted live season 7Most Haunted Live! Most haunted live season 8Most Haunted Live! Most haunted live season 9