Amen is an American television sitcom produced by Carson Productions that ran from September 27, 1986 to May 11, 1991 on NBC. Set in Sherman Hemsley's real-life hometown of Philadelphia, Amen stars Hemsley as the deacon of a church and was part of a wave of successful sitcoms on NBC in the 1980s which featured entirely or almost-entirely black casts. Others included The Cosby Show, A Different World, and 227.
First Release: Sep 27, 1986
Duration: 30m
Genres: Comedy, Family
Country: United States of America
Episodes: 23
Actors: Sherman Hemsley, Clifton Davis, Anna Maria Horsford, Roz Ryan, Jester Hairston, Tony T. Johnson, Bumper Robinson
Director: Ed. Weinberger
IMDb: 6.5/10
Season 4 Full Episode List
1. Thelma Frye, Dough Girl2. The Engagement3. Where There's A Will4. Can't Help Lovin' That Man of Mine5. Who Am I?6. Witness for the Defense7. TV or Not TV8. Don't Rain on My Shower9. Thelma Says, I Do10. You're in the Army Now (Part 1)11. You're in the Army Now (Part 2)12. Sergeant in Arms13. Thelma Frye, Dough Girl14. The Roast15. The Roast16. The Deacon and the Mother-in-Law17. The Wedding18. The Honeymoon19. The Talent Show20. Moving In21. Deacon's Dilemma22. Who's Sorry Now?23. Who's Sorry Now?