Roger Ramjet
Roger Ramjet is an animated American children's television comedy series that first ran in 1965 and has aired in syndication since. Starring Roger Ramjet and the American Eagle Squadron, the show was known for its crude animation, frenetic pace, and frequent references to popular culture, which allowed the show to entertain various age groups.
First Release: Jan 01, 1965
Duration: 6m
Genres: Family, Animation
Episodes: 32
IMDb: 7/10
Season 2 Full Episode List
1. Werewolf2. Flying Saucers3. Skateboards4. Scotland Yard5. Long Joan Silver6. Moonshot7. Treasure in Sierra's Mattress8. Tarzap9. Comics10. Jet Boots11. Little Roger12. Cycles13. Air Devil14. Spy in the Sky15. Hollywood16. Track Meet17. Surf Nuts18. Dry Dock19. Machines20. Coffee21. Stolen22. Assassins23. Genie24. Airplane25. Woodsman26. K.O. at the Gun Fight Corral27. Mars28. Puck29. Pirate Gold30. Fox31. Super Mother32. Dr. What