Recently, My Sister is Unusual
A girl named Mitsuki Kanzaki lives with her step-brother Yuya after her mother remarries. One day, Mitsuki is possessed by the self-proclaimed spirit of a young girl, Hiyori Kotobuki. Hiyori (in Mitsuki's body) must fall in love with Yuya to move towards the "Gates of Heaven."
First Release: Jan 04, 2014
Duration: 25m
Genres: Animation, Comedy
Country: Japan
Episodes: 12
Actors: Junji Majima, Aimi, Kumi Sakuma, Mikoi Sasaki, Yui Ogura, Yasuaki Takumi, Hisako Kanemoto, Chinami Hashimoto, Miki Itou, Manami Tanaka
IMDb: 6.1/10
Season 1 Full Episode List
1. Mitsuki SOS2. Shining Amidst the Storm3. Heavy-Hanging Fruit4. Heartcatch Hiyori-san5. Naughty Body Snatcher6. Oh! A Ghost!7. Fumbling Around? Club Activities8. Alone Together at the Aquarium9. Battle Heater & Iron Chef10. Kanzaki Mitsuki Wants to Live in Peace11. Ghost ~Phantom in the Bath~12. Farewell, Hiyori-chan