Transformers: Robots In Disguise
Years after the events of Predacons Rising, Bumblebee is summoned back to Earth to battle several of Cybertron's most wanted Decepticons that escaped from a crashed prison ship and assembles a team of young Autobots that includes Sideswipe (a rebel "bad boy bot"),Strongarm (an Elite Guard cadet),Grimlock (a bombastic Dinobot),and Fixit (a hyperactive Mini-Con with faulty wiring).
First Release: Mar 14, 2015
Duration: 23m
Genres: Kids, Animation
Country: United States of America
Episodes: 26
Actors: Will Friedle, Khary Payton, Darren Criss, Mitchell Whitfield, Constance Zimmer
IMDb: 7/10
Season 4 Full Episode List
1. King of the Hill (1)2. King of the Hill (2)3. Defrosted4. Blurred5. Sphere of Influence6. Bee Cool7. The Great Divide8. Get A Clue9. Out of the Shadows10. Disordered Personalities11. Guilty As Charged12. The Golden Knight13. The Fastest Bot Alive14. Railroad Rage15. Combine and Conquer16. Moon Breaker17. Exiles18. Breathing Room19. Prepare for Departure20. Prisoner Principles21. Collateral Damage22. Something He Ate23. Sick As a Bot24. Five Fugitives25. Enemy of My Enemy26. Freedom Fighters