The Grand Family
"The Family", the program commemorating the 55th anniversary of the launch of the TBS TV station, is a social drama depicting the inside story between bureaucrats, politicians and big businesses over a bank merger revolving around the family discord between Daisuke Manpyou, the owner and president of Hanshin Bank, and his eldest son, Teppei.
First Release: Jan 14, 2007
Duration: 45m
Genres: Drama
Actors: Takuya Kimura, Saki Aibu, Kazue Fukiishi, Kyoka Suzuki, Kyoko Hasegawa, Kinya Kitaoji, Koji Yamamoto, Yu Yamada, Toru Nakamura, Kazue Fukiishi
Director: Toyoko Yamasaki
IMDb: 7.3/10