Vega$ is an American detective television drama series that aired on ABC between 1978 and 1981. It was produced by Aaron Spelling. The series was filmed in its entirety in Las Vegas, Nevada. It is believed to be the first television series produced entirely in Las Vegas. The show stars Robert Urich as private detective Dan Tanna, who drove around the streets of Las Vegas in a red 1957 Ford Thunderbird solving crimes and making Las Vegas a better place for residents and tourists alike.
First Release: Sep 20, 1978
Duration: 55m
Genres: Drama, Crime
Country: United States of America
Episodes: 23
Actors: Robert Urich, Bart Braverman, Phyllis Davis, Greg Morris, Naomi Stevens, Tony Curtis
Director: Michael Mann
IMDb: 7/10
Season 2 Full Episode List
1. Redhanded2. The Usurper3. Mixed Blessing4. Runaway5. Design for Death6. Shadow on a Star7. Dan Tanna Is Dead8. The Macho Murders9. The Day the Gambling Stopped10. Classic Connection11. Night of a Thousand Eyes12. Lost Monday13. Comeback14. All Kinds of Love15. The Magic Sister Slayings16. The Lido Girls17. Consortium18. The Hunter Hunted19. The Man Who Was Twice20. The Golden Gate Cop Killer (1)21. The Golden Gate Cop Killer (2)22. Siege of the Desert Inn23. Vendetta